CW10- Aslan

Write about a chance meeting with a famous historical figure or literary character. Where would you meet? What would you say?

A soft voice spoke through the lose threads of my dreams late one night. Startled, I awoke at once feeling dazed at my abrupt sitting up motion. After regaining my senses I listened carefully for a moment longer to see if the voice had not been a product of my mind for it had sounded so familiar yet I could not remember whose it might belong to. Troubled

I’m entranced by the sweet authoritative nature of the voice and follow it. I light a handheld lantern and follow the echo outside and follow it to the edge of the forest. I pause there for a moment hesitating as I look at the dark shadows cast by the large wild trees which conceal many strange things from sight. Come! I gasp as a sudden wind swooshed around me blowing the small firelight lantern out as the voice rode past my ear. The thick darkness consumed me at once leaving me without a light of my own to cling to, just as I thought to leave and turn back; a small feeble light flickered ahead on the path. It blinked again, barely there, but it beckoned me to come and I obeyed. As I walked closer towards the light it moved as well but it was accompanied by another blinking light. I realized that these were simply fireflies, not strange creatures to fear as so many others that dwell in the deep parts of the forest. More and more fireflies appeared as I walked along the path illuminating the steps ahead. Afterwards, I could never have told you exactly how long I was walking-



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